
SBOTS Product Detail

Short Description

SBOTS Product Detail


SBOTS are specialized AI chatbots that offer real-time support for compliance queries and auditing tasks. It helps internal users and auditors assess compliance levels, identify issues, and generate violation reports effortlessly.

Key Features

  1. Real-time Q&A: Immediate answers for compliance-related queries
  2. Automation: Automated report generation for regulation violations
  3. Awareness: Context-aware assistance for identifying compliance issues
  4. Platform Flexibility: Integration with existing compliance and auditing tools for seamless workflow
  5. Natural Language Understanding: Leveraging Google Cloud Natural Language API for superior language comprehension and contextual understanding.
  6. Intent Classification: Uses Dialogflow to interpret user inputs and assign them to predefined intents for accurate responses.
  7. Multi-Platform Support: Compatible with websites, mobile apps, and social media channels like Facebook Messenger.
  8. Real-time Analytics: Integration with Google Analytics to provide real-time performance metrics.
  9. 24/7 Availability: Always online, ensuring constant customer service.
  10. Scalable: Easily adaptable to increasing customer interaction loads.
  11. Customization: Industry-specific templates for quick deployment and easy customization.

Integration Points

  • Internal compliance dashboards
  • Audit management systems
  • Regulatory reporting tools

Example Use-Case

An auditor could interact with ComplyBot Advisor to quickly understand the compliance status of different departments within the organization. The chatbot could also assist in generating a detailed report highlighting any regulation violations, thereby streamlining the auditing process.

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